Happy 3 months, Baby Walker!
Weight: 15lbs
Length: Not sure but looong!
Head: Still so tiny. :) Hats aren't fitting!
Size: 3-6 months but onesies are getting tight and the shirts show your belly ;) You really are tall!
Shoes: Size 2; I don't think you'll be a wide fit like your brother. So that means all new boy shoes for the Reynolds! :/
Diaper: Just put you in size 3. 2's were so tight!
You've been up to so much, Walker Beau!
You are just so smiley! The women at church comment on it every week! The ladies in the nursery say they love to snuggle you and that you are so easy!
Kicking and standing and wanting to be held! You love to jump and stand and look out. You hate laying on your back! You're definitely going through that "wanting to be held" stage. I remember Grayson going through this. You'll fit in the jumperoo pretty soon and you will LOVE it! You love kicking and jumping when being held. You smile so big when we hold you up to do this :)
Already ready for this thing! This was taken closer to 2 months. |
Sleeping is still awesome. We've moved you in to your crib pretty easily and started swaddling you again. That works for the first 6-8 hour stretch. Then, it's on your stomach for the next 3 hour stretch. I feel better about this with the ceiling fan on and the paci in your mouth. Update: You slept for 10 hours last night! 8pm-6am. I had a crick in my neck when I woke up b/c I slept the whole night. It was so worth it!
Sleeping at Chocolate Angel. Mimi adores you! |
And so does Pop! |
You hate your car seat, the nap nanny and being put down anywhere in general. At least you go down for naps and bedtime easily. So super easy, in fact. I really, really hope that doesn't change. Ever.
This UTD onesie looked HUGE when we received it from Beau's company. I can't believe it fits already. |
Later! |