I have come to terms with the fact that my blog may never know how wonderful the 4th of July was with our extended family (I've thought about cutting/pasting my cousin Elaine's recap but what a plagiarizing poser I'd be!), or my ultra fab Birthday girls' trip to Hotel Zaza or even what we did for Beau's Birthday. But I just can't go through a big house move and not capture it all here! So, Part 1: Selling our current home!

Beau likes to joke with people that he came home one week and the house was on the market! He's a funny guy. ;) While we did originally agree to hold off for a year and save our pennies, we ultimately decided to expedite the process. The sale of our neighbor's house gave us an idea of what we could get for our house plus the real estate boom here in Texas and particularly Frisco is proving that, even if we saved and saved, the increase in prices by next year would pretty much equal out any savings we could acquire by then. Make sense?
We put 110% of our efforts into getting this house show-worthy. This is our first time as sellers and BOY, is it so much easier just to be a first-time buyer! No sale on the back end to coordinate! I'm really proud of all of Beau's work. You just can't prepare for everything that goes into selling a house when you've never done it before! We also brought in a staging company. I've never had an opinion on them and you can't quantify their worth really but let's put it this way. If we could get an extra thousand bucks out of it and they only cost a couple hundred, then we win. And trust me, we REALLY think we got a whole lot more out of them! Highly recommend stagers!
We moved out of the house for the week that we went on the market just to keep it mess-fress and our lives stress-free from having to rush out at any given moment. The house went on the market on a Thursday morning (July 25th), we had 8 showings that first day, between 5-8 the next day and had 2 offers come in by Friday afternoon. We picked the best one Friday night, had a back-up offer come in Tuesday and both have been with us to this point. Our buyers are
so low-maintenance. They didn't ask for any of our things (not even the fridge or w/d), they asked us to fix 4 things as a result of the 24 page inspection (fixes that only cost us $125 total) and they came to the table with the balance of offer price when the appraisal came back a touch under. And Y'ALL, let me tell you how stressed we were that this house wouldn't appraise! As our realtor says, it definitely set a record for this neighborhood! The house is definitely worth it, don't get me wrong. But if the appraiser had solely looked at square feet comps for the neighborhood (which they can be known for doing) and not looked at all of the upgrades and HUGE lot, then we would have been in a big pickle since we priced this house higher than any comp showed and then the offers came in over that! So, we were stressing. Thankfully, it all worked out!
We close mid-September and know that it's not over til the ink is dry. But we are staying optimistic and have a new house to look forward to! More to come on that but I must say, we are SO sad to leave this house. We came home from our Honeymoon to this house, brought home both boys from the hospital here. We have made so many memories, hosted neighborhood parties in our front yard, have loved hanging out with our neighbors and will miss this incredible backyard. We will also REALLY miss being down the street from my parents. We will now be 20 minutes away - eek! But compared to 30 seconds, that is a lot! Sometimes I wonder if we're making the right move. But I'm keeping the faith that whatever is meant to be will happen for us!
Here is our house. These were taken before the stagers came in but this is how I want to remember it. :) The stagers made it look like a model home! And we had the surround sound playing in the living/master bedroom/bathroom/patio and I think it really made a difference!
You will be seeing this kitchen again in the Reynolds' future ;) |
The realtor took much better pictures of the backyard. It's 1/3 of an acre so there were several pics just of it! |
Now, for Part 2 of this crazy process....the new house!