Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A Guilty Gripe

I'm feeling guilty about having such a ridiculous complaint but let me explain first....I should start by saying we are SO blessed for all our wedding gifts and all the thought and love put behind each gift from family and friends. So, yes we are very thankful to have this "gripe" but I just don't understand why companies put their little branding stickers on EVERYTHING! And not just that, but you can't peel them off easily?! Think the sticker on the glass of a picture frame. How many times have you not been able to peel it off in one quick swoop?! Never. Well, we registered for, and received, 12 BEAUTIFUL place settings of this flatware!! SO excited!....The designer put their sticker on EVERY piece?! What is that about? AND they didn't come off easily. You would think a distinguished company would order better adhesive. SO, that's my gripe - 60+ irritating little stickers later, but we're ready to eat!! ;-)

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