Baby Grayson - I'm going to stop begging you to slow down because it's futile but what I *will* do is tell you how much we enjoy watching you grow up! On one hand I can't wait to see what kind of person you will grow up to be but on the other hand I want you to stay my cuddly baby forever! We still get so many compliments on you! That said, you aren't happy as often as you used to be but that was only to be expected as you begin to grow up and learn that 98% of the things in this house aren't toys for you to play with :) You want in the oven, the washing machine, fridge, bath tub, toilet, shower (only when I have just gotten out and there is water inside), the fireplace, the kennels, the list goes on. You most definitely don't like to hear "no". Temper, temper. Here are some goings on from the past month:
- Wake up every time with a huge smile on your face and usually laughing. Just like your Aunt Andrea! Hope this lasts forever as there is simply nothing better to wake up to. (besides your Aunt Andrea, of course).
- You are hugging! I have been waiting for this all year! You latch on and get so tickled and squeeze so tight - it means everything to me.
- We are seeing more strong will coming through (mentioned above). I could do without the kicking and back arching. I can only imagine what kind of tantrums we will have to deal with in public.
- You are getting taller (although I don't have measurements) and can now reach things off tables. It still catches me off guard! You are thinning out a bit but still moving up in clothing sizes. 18 months - wearing some 24 month PJs. I'm thinking you will plateau around this for a while.
- Climbing! On everything - things I wouldn't even think of. Your music table? You want to be ON it. The fireplace, boxes, the dogs - you want to climb it all!
- You give High 5's! You may not be walk or talk but you sure can slap a hand when we say "High 5!"
- If your Dad is home and in his office, you are standing right by his chair. You love to be near him and are now pulling at his pants leg when he gets home. You are really starting to show your love for us and it's adorable :)
- Nap times and night time are SO much easier! We put you in your crib and you put yourself right to sleep.
- You are eating table foods and feeding yourself!....and then running your fingers through your hair. Why must these two things go hand in hand (hand in hair?)? The upside is that you smell like peaches :)
- You know exactly how to get down from the couch or someone's lap - feet first! Every time. You're like a legit toddler that way! You have never really even tried to go head first - it's like you've always known. Kinda weird so I had to mention it :)
You start laughing so hard that you can't stop - we LOVE it! |
I promise this is a pastel pink! It looks sharp with your sear sucker shorts ;) |
I couldn't keep you away from this pool! |
The pink shirt again - playing with Piper at her 1st Birthday!
You two have come a long way! |
Can usually be found climbing on everything -
even if you are too tired to finish. :) |
You love bath time too! Again, obsessed with water -
the complete opposite of me!
Here is a video showing you just how happy you are in the mornings! Yes, I have morning voice and yes, you start freaking out because I haven't picked you up yet. But aren't you ADORABLE?! |
1 comment:
Aaaaah, a shout-out! How annoying would it be to wake up to both of us?! :)
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