Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Share the Celebration - The Cheesecake Factory style

I never really talk about work here. So, here we go, ode to the place where I spend the majority of my life and the people I see more than my beloved husband and dogs.

We are getting busier and busier at work, which is a great problem to have in this down economy. The Cheesecake Factory is more committed than ever to invest in their brand, engage with their guests and do what it takes now to make their future better than ever. And yours truly is all about that!!

We are the Agency of Record (AOR) for The Cheesecake Factory (TCF) so every living, breathing idea, project, dream and promotion comes through my department, Client Partnership (CP). There are now 4 of us in CP for TCF - we started out just Heather and me - so they HAVE gotten us help :-) We then manage every single deliverable, budget, creative brief, etc. until the Client is happy and everything is out the door or gone 'live'.

Our most recent promotion for Q2 was Share the Celebration (STC), where we produced a microsite, sweepstakes, emails, display, paid search, in-restaurant collateral, bouncebacks and direct mail to support the initiative.

Boooo - I was going to include a screen shot of the microsite but Beau's mac won't let me :-( Oh well, time for bed anyway. My 14 hour work day is O-V-E-R and I have to take Brinkley to the vet tomorrow to get neutered & then begin this routine all over again. Maybe Brinkley will be more chill now that he's 1/2 a man....Sad that work has now become the LEAST stressful part of my day. ;-)


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