Monday, March 19, 2012

St. Patrick's Day 2012

What a fun day down in Dallas with our friends! We actually didn't even go to the block party on Greenville and just stayed at Whitney's for the day. I know that tons of people that live on the M Streets who have house parties don't even make the trek to the chaos and we were definitely those people this year! It's just not as much fun as it used to be and since we're pretty good at entertaining ourselves, it worked well. Here's a was an iPhone pic kind of a day...

RIP froggy baby. Major inside joke but this doll has been passed around the group for almost 6 years and makes an appearance at every notable gathering. It finally met it's fate Saturday with an unfortunate mixture of gasoline and Josh's green Nike's. But not before Kate terrorized Beau with the doll's plastic-fork-hand. Also, on the right, yoga tips from the best yoga instructor in Dallas....
 Trivia question: What would you get if Whitney and I had a baby? KAELI! Whitney (sitting in green)'s younger sister Kaeli is standing next to me in the green shorts. She has always resembled Whit a lot but doesn't she kind of look like me here?! Maybe it's just the hair. Anyhoo....
I loved spending so much time with the girls on Saturday! We missed Nikki and Carissa though. And of course Mandy and Brooke. And Kristi, Molly, Pam and Hailey were there too but left earlier. (sigh) It's tough getting everyone together!

I can't tell you WHAT exactly, but something majorly funny/epic/humiliating went down in the front yard. Thank God it was after all the kids left. Scott had the best seat to watch it all. :)
Okay, well here's a hint...our friend Josh is another Borat so it was no surprise when this man-o-tard (man's leotard?) thing came out. ...and then he tried to distract the other team in a fierce game of Cornhole. I strongly discourage you from enlarging the picture on the right...
Later, Beau's tattoo sleeve ended up on the dog....and we ended up at First and Ten to watch some March Madness and eat some chicken fried steak (or was that just me?). So much fun!

Had to get a shot of my baby in his green.  Loves himself some squeezable fruit. :)
Hope everyone had a fun and safe St. Patrick's Day! 

1 comment:

The Pharrs said...

Thanks for the shout out ;) We missed you guys on St. Patty's Day. BTW, LOVE the new blog pic and the black and white (or gray and white?) one of Grayson.