Thursday, April 7, 2011

Grayson Happenings

We may be the busiest family in Frisco. Maybe not but when a friend recently asked us to dinner, the next Saturday I could offer up is in June. Whuuuuu? 

I can't WAIT to post about our trip to Florida for Brad and Nikki's wedding (PERFECT wedding weekend!) but while Beau slaves away over the 400+ pictures he took (not kidding), here are some Grayson updates...

First, he now says Mama! And LOOKS at me! Which technically means it's his first word since he still looks at the dogs/strangers/toys/toilet when saying Dadada! 

I woke up one day and he had this much hair:
What happened to this little guy?
aaand this one?

[shameless-use-of-random-subject-to-show-more-cute-pics-of-baby concluded]

Sometimes I look back on this blog and realize what a terrible job I do of notating milestones. So check this out: Tuesday, April 5, 2011 at roughly 6:05pm....we discovered Grayson's FIRST TOOTH (yes, he's almost 10 months)! His bottom right to be exact, which is just precious since we were all convinced he would be sporting a canine first...a la Twilight vampires. No pictures since his tongue is forever covering it up while he feels it :)

 Are kids supposed to climb before they walk?! I was hanging up clothes in the closet for a minute or two and came out to this...
...which is better than yesterday when I was brushing my teeth and looked up to his feet dangling from the toilet while he was straight armed in the toilet water. He LOVES water!

Beau and I should be invited by the Happiest Baby on the Block doctors to be their "What Not To Do Parents"in the Cry It Out arena. However, we are on Night 2 (of Effort #3) of putting Grayson to bed on his own. Crazy success!! Not even whimpers, just a few crawls, stands and squats and we get this!:
Can you see him there on the monitor? Like someone yelled, "FREEZE!" when he was wandering around his spacious crib. :) Brings a whole new meaning to, "Nobody puts baby in the corner." ;-)

Enough Grayson? No? How about yet another post that ends with Naked Baby?

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