Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy FIRST YEAR, Baby Grayson!

Can I still call you Baby G? Well, I am. Happy 1st Birthday, my BIG boy!! We went to your annual well-visit today and here's the latest:

Weight: 25lb 4oz; 81%
Height: 31.5 inches; 91%
Head: 19 inches; 92%

  • Doctor said that you look healthy and great! We are now down to 2 bottles a day, 14 ounces total. He said we can take the formula away whenever you are ready as it shouldn't be the primary source of nutrients for you. 
  • This is fine b/c you're doing great with solids! Especially the unhealthy stuff. How do you already know to love the bad stuff?!
  • Dr. Kaplan gave me a little lecture on your tan. Okay, okay, so he calls it sun exposure. You tan SO fast just like your Mama (we can't help it). You have had maybe an hour in the sun and you look like a farmer. It's not my fault! 
  • You can climb up on the couch with a little help (like using a pillow as a step). But you still get down the right way. SO smart.
  • Cautious. Which is why you will not take your hand off the furniture to take those first steps. When you play in any drawers, you always look up before standing to make sure you don't hit your head. Where did you get this from?! I guess it only takes one good head bump to learn your lesson!
  • You now hold the remote and look up at the TV every time you push a button. You totally get that the one controls the other. I'm so impressed that you have this figured out. However, you sure can throw a fit when I take the remote away. It's. Not. A. Toy. So tired of saying this!
  • You still love giving High 5s and now you brush your hair when we tell you to :) It kind of reminds me of teaching the dogs tricks but MUCH cooler. No, I'm not comparing you to the dogs. Promise.
  • You LOVE taking wagon rides and you point to birds as they fly over. I enjoy this time with you so much!
  • Rough housing! All any of us have to do is get on the floor and you get the biggest grin and rush on over to fall on us over and over again. You love to roll around and climb all over us. You love to wrestle and you can throw a pretty good elbow to the throat!
  • You are beginning to associate Mamamama with distress and needs. I'll take it! But I wish you said it when you have a smile on your face like you do Dadadadada. :)
  • You have been a master at pulling things off of surfaces but now you are putting the items BACK where they belong! It doesn't happen all the time but at least you are showing other interest other than completely destroying a room! ;)
  • We love you dearly - and I just can't get enough of you! Watching you grow up is the coolest thing I've gotten to do in all my life. I'm so blessed to have this time with you!
  • Here are some random, blurry photos from my phone over the past month....
Wearing Dada's hat 
I'm getting used to having all blurry photos of this little busy body

You eat like your Dad! ;-)
Fascinated by all things toilet: the scrub brush, plunger,  etc.
Oops. I mean Poops. Major mess all over your clothes in the restaurant.
Naked ride home.
Your Mimi decided tutus aren't just for girls!
Still get your thrills by playing IN the toy basket.
Your first time in a real pool! You loved it :)
And you still like your little baby pool in our backyard. :)
The neighbors brought this over for us to collect their mail while they are
out of town. You, of course, had different ideas!
Pathetic! Crying after I took a pen away from you.
You got yourself pretty good though! 
With Aunt Andrea!

1 comment:

The Pharrs said...

LOVE this post! Makes me smile, laugh and get choked up all at once :)