Sunday, March 17, 2013

Kitchen Remodel - Before Photos

On the Eve of our 10-day kitchen renovation project, I thought I'd share our "before" photos. I'm sure there may be duplicates but I'm tired and can't think straight. Maybe I should mention here that this renovation is coinciding with Beau going back on the road for the first time since before Christmas, which means my first time home alone raising TWO BOYS! Why not turn our world upside down with a massive project that will put us out of our home for a week and a half?! :)

A little about what we plan to do:
Keeping the faucet but replacing with a new sink - super excited about it - one big open sink that actually fits a crock pot and dutch oven. 
Backsplash and countertops, be gone.
There will be paint! And hardware! And lighting! (I didn't get a before shot of the terrible 1990's fluorescent light box above the island)
I just wasn't prepared to have to move all of this STUFF out of this room
This 1998 trash compactor will be replaced with a built-in cabinet and drawer - woot!
We're having shelves built in to that end of the island and extending the island top by 14 inches
My sister Andrea is having custom faux Roman shades made. This is my favorite part :) This room might need to be named after her since she gifted me that drum shade, had custom cushions made for those chairs and gave me that green pillow cover. She is making us look good!
I can not wait to have something on these windows! 
I'll have more by the end of this week!

1 comment:

Elaine said...

How fun! Can't wait to see the "during" and "after" pictures, too.