Sunday, January 18, 2009

To dock or not to dock.

I really need help with this dilemma. I’m torn and I don’t know what to do. As you all may know, but may have forgotten, little Shelby’s tail is crooked. Really crooked. And while I have always said that it adds character and that I think it’s PRECIOUS, it’s beginning to go bald! As you can imagine, it’s not pretty. Background: The crooked nature is a result; it appears, of being broken in 2 different places when she was a puppy and before we brought her home. [Remember that story?! I freaked out when I saw that she had a crooked tail and Beau’s answer was that all puppies have crooked tails when they are young and that they straighten out when they get older. Uh, yeah right.] I digress. So, the two broken (but completely healed) points where the tail turns in a different direction (oh, and the tip) are balding! I don’t know if she chews on it or if it rubs a weird way when she sleeps but it is kinda-scary-looking and I fear that people will think I don’t take good care of her. Because I do.

Pros to docking: No scary baldness.

Cons to docking: Shelby will be in pain, she can’t sleep with me for a couple of weeks, what if the hair doesn’t grow over the end of it?, what if she looks like she has a nub??, what if she hates us forever for taking a part of her??? Although, we took her ovaries and she still loves us….

So, to dock or not to dock? That is the question.

Look at that darling crookedness!!

1 comment:

theseemanfamily said...

Poor Shelby :( No matter what you do, I'm sure she'll only hate you for a little while...haha!!! Totally kidding :)