Monday, April 18, 2011

We turn 2 today!

Today is our 2nd anniversary! And boy does it feel like 12! Just kidding. But our big joke is that we are only two years old but it feels like forever. ;) But really, we have done a lot in a small time! And loving every minute of it, might I add. :) 

So on to the fun stuff! Beau surprised me with a night at the W Hotel and dinner at our favorite Dallas restaurant, Hibiscus. We had SO much fun! Beau's parents stayed with Grayson at our house and we arrived at the W at about 4ish - just in time to drop our bags and head to the bar at the pool. We didn't think to bring swim suits but loved sitting by the rooftop pool and looking out at the city - the city that we both miss soooo much. 
Amazing how we can turn into tourists so quickly ;)
The only angle of the infinity pool I could manage without
capturing people and looking like a total creep.
Beau loooooved their margaritas!
At Hibiscus - the only good shot we got of us :)
An interesting take on an old cocktail.
Something with bourbon that he hated.
But who *likes* Bourbon?!
The only good thing that came from that drink was a foam mustache :)
 Overall, we had a great time! But couldn't wait to get home to this little guy (whose eyes got bigger and bluer overnight). He had a GREAT time with his grandparents though!

Last note, after a very good run with Hibiscus, with lots of memories and some great mac and cheese, we are ending our relationship with them. Mainly because there are just SO many restaurants we haven't tried yet and we just don't get to wine and dine like we used to, especially in Dallas. That and Hibiscus has just become waaaay too proud of their food by increasing prices and they just have too many competitors for us to try. Have fun with your $56 steak, guys! :)

Happy Anniversary, Beaubs. You're truly my best friend! You are SO fun to grow old with! xoxo

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