Monday, June 6, 2011

My 32nd...uhh I mean 31st Birthday

I woke up to Beau saying, "Happy Birthday, Baby! The BIG 3-2!" 

Umm, it's my 31st but thanks for playing. Haha, I can't even be upset b/c I'm the world's worst with remembering Birthdays (and apparently our Anniversary too). :)

I had the BEST birthday but not for some of the reasons you might imagine. :) My Mom offered to take Grayson for the ENTIRE day so that I could do whatever I wanted. My mind swirled with ideas! There are just not enough hours in the day to do everything but I did a lot....

I sat at Starbucks in peace with my coffee and laptop for two hours that morning and you know what?! No one needed me, there were no grubby little fingers pulling at my computer, no laundry or dishes, just a girl, her coffee and her Hollywood gossip sites...LOVE!

I then went to Target and wandered around aimlessly! No list, no plan, no ticking time bomb sitting in the cart (ahem, Grayson), just a girl, her wallet and cheap merchandise....LOVE!

I made it out of Target just in time to meet my friend Lori at Chuy's for lunch. It was there that I had a Corona at lunch. Because I COULD. It was Friday, it was my Birthday, I didn't have a baby with me and I was having an ice cold beer. I always love conversation with Lori! We have SO much to talk about and I don't think we have ever finished a conversation b/c we have to cram so many topics into a short time period! It was heaven. Just a girl, her friend, a beer and a Chuychanga....LOVE!

After that, I ran a couple more errands then went home to get ready for dinner with the family! My parents took us to Fireside Pies for my Birthday and, as always, it was delicious! Ma joined us and we all had a really good time. :) 

Beau gave me the sweetest Birthday card! If he was open to me publicly broadcasting our personal life on my blog, I would totally re-type it here (since I'll probably lose the card). In fact, I probably wouldn't even be able to locate it now to do that....(sigh). 
Note to self next B-day: No pics in front of the liquor store
Grayson's gift to me was a destroyed bathroom.
He's so good to me ;-)

Our friends Brooke and Aaron were getting married the following night so I asked that my gift from Beau just be a hotel room downtown so that we can stay out with friends and not have to worry about driving back. Thanks Chandler clan for the best Birthday celebration ever - great band, incredible food, open bar, and tons of friends! ;-)

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