Friday, May 18, 2012

Ft. Lauderdale

I know I owe this blog two monthly updates for Grayson but I just don't know where to start. He has so many new things and changes that I can't possibly capture them all, which is overwhelming so I avoid the blog posts altogether. :) So in the meantime, let's talk about my trip to Florida this past week! 

Beau was so, so sweet to book me a flight to join him in South Florida this week. He was in Ft. Lauderdale for work, one of the cooler places he's been since I've met him. I just haven't had much interest to go with him to Atlanta or Kansas City. :) Of course, my parents are the ones that make it SO easy for me to jump a plane with a week's notice. They took such good care of Grayson AND came by the house 2 or 3 times a day to feed and care for the dogs. We are so appreciative!

I flew in this past Tuesday, a day after Beau. He is the greatest guy to worry about me. I received several text messages like "You should be boarding soon" and "You will need cash for the cab." Haha, thanks honey. ;) Once I arrived, I turned on the news for a bit and learned that my trip looked like this:
Are you kidding? Story of my life, I swear. I'm a walking Alanis Morissette song. Yes, there WAS rain on my wedding day. And I HAVE had 10,000 spoons when all I needed is a knife. But my plane landed safely, so there's that. :) 

I didn't see the sun at all or put on my bathing suit once but this DID allow me to stay in bed and watch The Today Show through the whole morning guilt-free. And I also got to do things like this...

We had dinner the first night with Beau's co-worker at a great italian place called Bravo. The following night we had dinner with his former co-worker, Fernando, who actually lives in Ft. Lauderdale. He took us to the strip where we had a fabulous dinner at a chop house, then walked over to YOLO (You Only Live Once) where I couldn't believe the crowd! On a Wednesday! It was like a Saturday night where everyone had their tightest dress, tallest heels, best accessories and nicest cars. It's exactly how I envisioned South Florida :) I'm really glad we had a chance to experience it. 
Stuffed my cardigan in that clutch. I assure you I was the ONLY one with a sweater. :)
We drove down A1A to see the view. While our hotel had a pretty cool view of the marina, some boats and a huge draw bridge, we couldn't have grasped the magnitude of homes and yachts there. I'm glad we took the drive. We've been to our share of ocean vacations but haven't quite seen anything like it. Huge yachts were dwarfed by huger yachts (not a word, I know), which were then made to look small again by even larger yachts. It makes you wonder just where all that money comes from. ;) 
Draw bridges never get old for me. We didn't have those in Corpus. :)
Probably my favorite part of the trip was that one of my best friends in the world drove 3 hours round trip with her 11 week old son to come have lunch with me! I was never brave enough to try that kind of road trip! It means so much to me that Nikki did it so that we could visit and so that I could meet this guy!
It's so cool to see your friend hold her own baby! Especially when it's a little version of her husband. ;)

Passed out while burping!
Weston is such an easy baby! So not fair for her first - ha! But it was great - he allowed us tons of time to eat lunch and sit in bed and catch up. I got REALLY sad when they left. Goodbyes are getting harder for me these days. But we go back to see them in July so that's good!

Beau goes back to Ft. Lauderdale in 2 weeks but so far I haven't gotten an invite. I was even sure to say things like "See you in 2 weeks!" to his co-workers and "I wonder if we'll get this same view when we come back." So far, he's not biting. :)

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