There has been so much activity around here lately that I'm a little overwhelmed to even attempt a blog catch-up! But here goes - Fall 2014! These are just from whatever I took with my phone but it's better than nothing. :)
Pumpkin patches, of course! - More than anything, Grayson loves his friends. He talks about them, always wants to be with them or inviting them over and likes to talk about when we will see them again. Just like his Mama ;) Here he's with KJ at our Picnic in the Patch with MOPS friends. What a beautiful evening that was!
The Arboretum Pumpkin Patch with our MOPS friends (and another picnic)....
Holding hands with his buddy, Cruz ;) |
Walker at the petting zoo at the Arboretum. |
Their school took a field trip to a pumpkin farm in Celina. It's a trek but Grayson got to hang with some of his favorites, Chase and Patrick! This is their 3rd year of being in the same class together. I love watching him build these friendships all by himself.
Feeding a longhorn with my biggest boy |
With Fall came lots of parties, both that we attended and hosted. And with that, comes wine. :)
All belted in. Safety first! |
Our family attended the dedication for baby Lincoln. A perfect day with our extended Dallas family. But where are my pictures of them?! (Sigh)
We have since invested in size 6 dress up clothes for G. He's just growing so fast! |
Grayson was Spiderman and Walker was Mickey Mouse. Halloween day was SO busy with visiting Prairie Estates nursing home AND Ma's community party the same day as trick or treating. The boys were busy hustlin' that candy :) Walker was HILARIOUS this year. It was his first year really trick or treating and it took him all of 2 seconds to figure it out. He wasn't really talking that much yet so he'd just hold his bag up to everyone he came in contact with until they gave him candy. If they didn't have any candy to give, he'd just move the bag closer to their face until I pulled him away. He is a trip!
This was one of his first stops, before he realized that he should lift his bag up to help out these sweet residents ;) |
Grayson was DONE after trick or treating in our neighborhood. It feels good to be settles in our new 'hood and know so many of our neighbors. This year it was on a Friday, so we all had the chance to have a party afterward. We all stayed up way too late!
Beau and I spent the first weekend in November in Austin at a family wedding. The boys stayed behind with Mimi and Pop so we had a lot of fun! ;) We stayed with Andrea and Rogan and enjoyed adult stuff like going to the neighborhood coffee shop (and running into Jerry Jeff Walker - NBD), having drinks at the Driskill and sleeping in. Not to mention road trippin' with my man and blaring some Pat Green. Overall, I give it a 10!
Caldwell cousins at the rehearsal dinner |
The Driskill |
Wedding night |
We brought these amazing cookies back to the boys :) |
Career and Hat Day at school - G wants to be a "Cookie Maker" :) and Walker...well Walker, just likes to wear hats. Any hats. And all other accessories!
Other happenings this Fall:
G and his best girl friend/neighbor Piper went to a 3D showing of Big Hero 6. Why do they look so mature here?!
We already had snow in November! A light dusting but still! And then by the following week, 70 degree weather. Oh, Texas.
Several dinner play dates while the hubbies travel...
And finally....Thanksgiving! First with the Reynolds Family, then with the my parents and lastly with the Dallas Caldwells. We are very fortunate to have so much family so close.
Grayson's preferred curling up with Mawmaw. I LOVED seeing this :) |
Beau's Uncle Gary came into town from New Mexico. It was his first time seeing him since high school and my first time to meet him. He's a great musician and the boys were in awe :) |
Mimi doesn't ever show favoritism but when she does it's in the form of place cards! ;) But seriously, how cool is Grayson's?! |
Ma, my mom and Aunt Charmaine looking at very, very old family pictures. Ma may be 94 but her memory is amazing and she tells the best stories! I don't ever want that to change. |
Friday night with the Dallas Caldwells. |
SO many good memories, not quite as good phone pictures but it's captured here nonetheless. Next up, Christmas!