Friday, December 23, 2011

2011 Goals Update

I thought it would be fun to circle back to our 11 Goals for 2011 to see what exactly we accomplished and what will be pushed to our 2012 Goals. I really enjoyed setting these with Beau and it was a great feeling of accomplishment when we actually hit one (when I actually remembered that it was a goal on this blog, of course). We haven't lived by this list (sadly) so who knows what will be checked off. Here goes...

  1. Go to church most Sundays out of the year - Complete. I don't even like to see this as a goal because, for the first time in both of our lives, we WANT to go to church and ENJOY it. It's a no brainer. 
  2. Continue to build our savings to a predetermined goal - Meh. We had some setbacks (ahem, emergency appendectomy that insurance isn't covering) but we aren't too bad off. I guess it could always be worse. We won't be retiring next year though. Bummer. :)
  3. Strive to be a fun, active family - We could do so much better here. But this will ALWAYS be a goal, especially as Grayson gets older. 
  4. Save for and purchase the much-desired Nikon D700 with lens/flash/battery/bag - Complete. Fortunately (or unfortunately?) we did this before the aforementioned appendectomy.
  5. Replace the fence - COMPLETE! Amazing Husband Award goes to Beau. Hot, hot, hot hubby rebuilding 125 feet of fence with his bare hands, and a part of it in the rain. Think Sweet Home Alabama but with a hammer in my backyard in Frisco and less lightning hitting sand on the beach.
  6. Beau - work predetermined hours of contract work - Complete. Thus we own a ridiculous camera.
  7. Stacey - get ACA up and running and have it bringing in a preetermined amount by the end of the year - Nope, but what a blessing in disguise because it brought me to my current opportunity, which would be AMAZING if it pans out. Pray for me, folks! And if it happens, of course you'll hear more!
  8. Get in shape  - Why is this on here? Who put this here?
  9. Get the house organized/maximize space - Complete! So much progress! Our master closet had a major makeover and is a dream to walk into now. Guest closet is functioning better and the play room solved the toy problem. I mean blessing. Toy blessing.
    1. Give back to the community - Complete-ish. We now have a set annual pledge to the church; I work as an assistant teacher at Sunday school and because of Beau's ludicrous schedule, he hasn't given a second thought to this. Just being honest. We also have a regular annual gift to St. Jude's but that's been kind of a thing for me anyway; I wish it could be more.
    2. Stick to the budget - We're about 80/20 with this. Doing well for the most part but could be doing so much better on some weeks. We especially get wacky around the holidays. Why didn't someone tell me that presents for your child are A) SO MUCH FUN! and B) more about the parents than the kids (see point A). 
    There you have it. Hopefully 2012 Goals coming soon! 

    1 comment:

    Thea said...

    Do you rent Beau out at reasonable rates? I'm going to need some fence work done in the spring. :)