Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween with 2 lil Ghouls!

This Halloween has been a bit slower than the past couple of years but for good reason! We've all been under the weather at some point (for me, 3 different points!) the past several weeks. And then we had off and on rain during that time. But we've had plenty of fun...

Grayson got a cute haircut while Walker went to the Accute Kids for one of our many illnesses (honestly, I can't remember what this one was...). Precious smile!
Grayson and I headed to our play group's annual Halloween Party in the Smiths' HUGE backyard! In addition to the bounce house and fun treats and music, Mickey Mouse made an appearance! So fun!

Mamas and kiddos.
Today we met our play group for another tradition we have, Trick or Treat in the park. But since it was raining, we headed to the mall! A little different but it worked well and we had so much fun!
Kelly is the coolest mom! Here she is as a ghost as KJ looks on... 
Martha's son Brayden and Grayson having one of their unintelligible conversations ;) 
Batman without his mask
Sophia and Seton held hands the whole way to the food court. Adorable!
Grayson and Mimi made Halloween cupcakes complete with orange icing, sprinkles and candy corn toppers. He was just so excited and such a big helper! I want every second of his little conversations on video!
We joined our playgroup at the pumpkin patch in Celina! A great time, fed some animals, missed out on the hayride but we got to pick our 3 pumpkins to take home to Mimi and Pop. A fun 80 degree day!

Grayson overseeing Walker's every move. Good big bro ;)

My MOPS table gathered to decorate pumpkins with our littles. Grayson decorated his all by himself and he did such a cute job. He even added eyebrows! :)
And of course, we made plenty of crafts. Grayson requested crafts just about every day and loved making Q-tip skeletons. He's really getting into helping and it's such a change from last year! I love seeing it. Here he asked to name his skeleton "Beau" but I thought he wanted to add a "bow." Ha! Love his little language!

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