Monday, July 25, 2011

Play Room Conversion

I held Beau hostage 2 weeks ago until he agreed to convert the guest bedroom to a play room for Grayson. I'm only kidding. It was about two and a half weeks ago. Kidding, again. But he was NOT happy about me putting him to work. He broke down the queen bed, moved it into the garage, put all the baby stuff in the attic that was like 120 degrees (his words, not mine) and then assembled the play room furniture, which is from Ikea. Which means 100% assembly. Which makes for a cranky hubby.
Every bit of this was once on the living room floor
Book shelf and fun table/chairs from Ikea - highly recommend!
The tent in the corner has provided
hours of entertainment (for Beau and me)
Drapes will be changed out but obviously there's no rush.
I mean, they're drapes. In a play room.
Behind those closet doors is an incredibly organized,
well-planned storage space. Would I lie?
This chest and awfully large jumperoo
have GOT TO GO! Those pillows will be covered
and thrown in that corner for a comfy reading space

That's about it. I haven't shown you walls because my plans are just that. Simply plans. Take my word for it, in my head they look great! I'm currently going for a nautical theme. If it turns into ladybugs and chimpanzees, don't remind me of this post! ;)

Lastly, I came across this plaque when I was moving things from the nursery to the play room. Have I shown this to you? Beau surprised me with it when I was in the hospital for Grayson's delivery. It meant SO much to me! I loved having it on my hospital room door and now I love that it hangs in his nursery. And please excuse the pea soup coloring from this picture - not sure what went wrong. It matches the light green in that room. :)

Thank you Beau Reynolds for only griping DURING the process and then going back to my loving, sweet hubby right after! I can't say that I would have done the same ;) xoxo

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