Thursday, December 29, 2011

"I'm on a boat!" - revisited

I fear that I'll look back on this blog in 20 years and not even understand any of my pop culture references ...[Mama, don't watch that...]

A couple of updates on Grayson's big boy room...I know it's boring but besides the Pinterest board I created, this is the best place to keep track of it all. Sooo....

Who is as freaking STOKED about this sailboat as I am?!

What?? No one? Not one of you?! Okay, but I got it for $15, originally $70 at Joss and Main, and I can't freaking wait to play with it! Not that it's a toy. Can't wait to tell Grayson that IT'S NOT A TOY!!  7,000 times. ;)

Rope tie-backs are my next big exciting thing. Ideally with horizontal navy striped curtains that Beau is threatening to make me make (got that?) but who knows. 
Okay so this is looking more Jesus-Moses-cloakish
but think more "I'm on a boat-ish"
This is so predictable and I have sworn since Spring that I wouldn't buy it...but it's officially on sale at the Land of Nod. And you know I'm a sucker for a deal. But what boy needs that many throw pillows?! Remember the 4 I threatened here?
A little cliche, yes?
Lastly, we have had a change of plans with moving directly to a twin bed (as opposed to transitioning to a toddler bed). Mainly because we were offered an alternative for free, which they had me at the word "free". So Grayson will be moving into a toddler bed first, which means that the Restoration Hardware bedding I have been seriously obsessing over since April can be mine all mine. At final sale price too! 

Yeah, yeah, yeah so this option isn't technically free if I have to buy this and the yellow isn't in our color scheme but this is the bedding I initially based the entire room around (besides that picture of Grayson in front of the lit up captains wheel) and I can't even believe they still have it and at almost 1/2 price. [breathe]

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