Thursday, April 26, 2012

Things I Love Thursday: Terrible 2s Edition

With the terrible 2s rearing their ugly head(s?) and a very rough couple of days, I thought I'd do one of these to focus on all the good around here. Lord knows I need a solid dose of positive perspective through the tears and frustration (from both of us!)

Things I'm loving today...

The Today Show. I just don't get to watch very much anymore with all the school and swim lessons and morning play dates but I look so forward to it when I can. I'm super stoked that Matt Lauer re-upped his contract! Now if only Savannah would replace Ann Curry. :/

Good morning texts from Beau. Of course I wish they were good morning kisses but it's only half the week so it's okay. But his texts are sweet and comforting and consistent. Every morning without fail and I love hearing from him. 

My sister is ENGAGED! Rogan proposed last week and I couldn't be more thrilled for them! Grayson is especially excited that I-wish-I-was-your-Uncle Rogan is now I'm-almost-your-Uncle Rogan. 
The future Mrs. Giles. They just get each other.
Sleeping. I hope that one day this will be replaced with exercising. I remember when I was a lot more active and worked out many days during the week, sleeping was just something I did and not looked forward to. I'd like to get back to that. But in the meantime, I so look forward to melting into my bed each night after I put Grayson down! :)
Shelby waits for me as I get ready for bed. Such a princess! 
Toddler independence. Yes, the terrible 2s are terrifying. And I doubt myself a thousand times a day. And I go to bed thinking I could have done so much better as a mom. But I love that he can now walk, run, explore, create his own fun, eat and drink and wash his hands on his own. He likes bathing himself, climbing into his chairs and car seat without help, and I love letting him. Those first 18 months of carrying him and creating 100% of the fun can be tough! I miss it a lot but I look forward to this new chapter of exploration with Baby Grayson!
Eating with a big people fork in his big boy chair. Growing up before my very eyes.
Creating his own adventures. :)
Praying for patience and to be a better Mama and actually seeing it go to work in me. Maybe it's just a new day but beginning it with just a quick prayer can really start and keep my day on the right track. Related (sorta), I can't get through this blog post without crying...although I haven't gotten to the "feeling under appreciated" point, so that's good :)

Exciting upcoming plans! We have a lot to look forward to in the coming weeks: Frisco Food Truck Festival, our Church's 10 year anniversary event, Otto's baby shower with the girls, Derby party and a fundraiser out on a really cool ranch in Aubrey. How can I let the bad moments outshine these good ones?! 

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