Monday, June 4, 2012

My Birthday Weekend

More like a relaxing weekend with a forgotten birthday thrown in the mix! I actually didn't realize my big day was coming up until earlier this week! The result of having a child whose birthday is less than 2 weeks after mine, I suppose. It's much more fun to plan. I wouldn't have it any other way. 32 seems pretty boring :) 

Beau, Grayson and I laid low around the house all day before Beau had a late 6:45pm tee time. It was the perfect golf outing (for me ;)) - he played the course behind my parents' house, had fun, it wasn't so hot for him and he was home by 9.
Gray and I headed to my parents house for dinner! Latest eyelash check - still gorgeous. :) 
Shirtless, farmer's tan and camo. Swoon! 
Loves to crank the water hose....
And then pull it out by hand. His lips are so cute when he's hard at work.
This little guy is so curious! He wants to be involved in everything! Which would be wonderful if I was somewhat decent in the kitchen. As it stands, we just never know what my creations will become when my full attention is on the recipe. But throw in some appliances, electricity and a toddler who has to touch everything and you just never know ;) This is ridiculous but I made cream cheese sausage balls to go with our eggs that morning. A recipe that I found on Pinterest. That was labeled Super Bowl party appetizer, y'all. I couldn't resist. 

Later that morning, Grayson had his second Soccer Tots class with Beau! I joined them and we met up with our friends the Anderson, who have Piper in the same class this summer. What a fun class! It's such a hoot to watch these kids run and run the whole time. The Coach is a college student that is really good with these kids and really teaches them technique and does drills vs. just letting them chase a ball for an hour. I was pleasantly surprised. 
Helping Coach stack cones
I missed the point of the hula hoops. They say no social hour for parents but with the husbands there,
Lori and I had trouble resisting. Reminded me of my high school P.E. days actually ;)  
Grayson and Piper getting stamps after class. Kids are suckers for stamps and stickers!
Exhausted after class. I LOVED Piper's pig tails!
I took this video before class started. There is something so cute about watching a tiny kid run on such a big field.

For whatever reason, Grayson fought his nap, which never happens. On the one day he was crazy, active with soccer! He finally fell asleep on Beau and was moved to the bed later. 
Mozzarella balls that I saw on Pinterest.  Baked, not fried and served with ranch. Pretty good! 
On to birthday stuff....we woke up with nothing planned except that Beau would get up with Grayson and give me some down time. That's really all I need! They got Kolache Heaven for breakfast. I have probably mentioned this place before - it's our favorite that we save for treat days. Their cinnamon rolls are massive and absolutely to die for when they're heated. The brisket kolaches are insanely good as well! This was the perfect morning treat topped off with time for me to shower in the quiet and pour a cup of coffee. Later, we went to World Market to spend the birthday money my grandmother sent me not 24 hours before ;) My Mom came to get Grayson later so that Beau and I could go see Snow White and the Huntsman. We had a delicious sushi dinner at Kotta later. Overall, an easy breezy, yet fun day! 

Beau handled most of the parenting that day, which I love to observe!  He thinks outside of the box with most things and comes up with fun games and different ways to handle things that I just don't think of. A random example, Grayson likes to have a paper towel around his fruit popsicle but it doesn't stay all the time, which I just never thought twice about. Beau duct taped it and Grayson loved it!
Overall, great movie! Love me so Chris Hemsworth & Charliz Theron. Kristen Stewart is, as always, a total snooze fest. Pretty sure Snow White IS Bella Swan ;)

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