Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy 2 Months, Walker!

A different take on my monthly photos :) (not waking a sleeping baby)
Walker Beau - you are growing by the day. Long body with chubby cheeks! Your 2 month stats are below:

Weight: 12lbs; 8 oz (81st percentile)

Height: 24 inches (93rd percentile)
Head: 15.5 inches (45th percentile)
Size: 3-6 months clothes 
Diapers: Size 2
Eating: 5 oz bottle every 3 hours during the day
Sleep: You wake up once a night to eat so approx. two 5 hour stretches at night. It's a dream and I have yet to feel that intense sleep deprivation that can have a new mom in tears! It's only a matter of time before you change on me, I'm sure :)
You still sleep in this miracle thing. So many moms swear by it and now I do too! It's the only way you'll sleep other than on your tummy, which I'm just not ready for. 
You aren't so curled up anymore, really stretching out and how I'm going to miss those roley poley days!
Getting ready for the Easter bunny.
You are out of all 0-3 months clothes - it happened so fast! I blinked and realized it was time to put them away. Really, they still fit your waist but you are just too long for them. 3-6 month stuff still swallows you but we need it for the length. I pretty much just said the same thing 2 different ways. Moving on.
Chunky monkey
 Your brother loves you more and more every day! He now feeds you, puts your paci back in when it falls back, pets your awesome hair and even in his worst mood, if he hears you crying, he calls out "It's okay, baby!" Mimi thinks it's more of a "it's us against the world" kind of comfort. :)

Your little personality is a BIG one and develops more and more by the week. Right now, you hate laying on your back, prefer to be held all the time and let all of this be known with the loudest cries! Your coos are precious and i'm so anxious to get them on video! The little sighs you let out have all of us mimicking you, they're so cute! 

You have been holding your head up strong for over a month now! I feel like you were advanced on that. You're struggling to keep the pacifier in but you seem to love it (as do I) so we'll keep trying with that. 

I am so in love with your hair! It's the first thing anyone (and everyone!) mentions when they see you. It was also the first thing the doctors and nurses commented on when you were born. It's epic ;)

The Abernathy gave us this cute onesie from Baby Gay and the one below. This onesie is the sole reason I'm happy it has stayed cold through Spring :)
Little Brother = Not Happy
Walker's Easter outfit. It has precious little bunnies on it with a matching Polo.  I wish I had better photos of it!
You are so loved, Walker Beau! You get more attention in any given hour than I could have ever hoped for my children. We love watching you grow up!

Mimi, Grayson and Pop adoringly looking on

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