This was my first Mother's Day as a mom of two and how special this time has been so far! We arrived home from Destin on Saturday just in time to head over to my Aunt and Uncles house for dinner with Maw Caldwell and the Dallas Caldwells. We ate on their beautiful patio and enjoyed the great weather. On Sunday, we went over to my parents' house for Brunch with them, Ma and Charmaine. They made some great breakfast foods like homemade cinnamon rolls (b/c Grayson asked for them) and quiche. They all kept the boys while Beau and I headed to the Baptism Prep class for Walker. We later made a spontaneious visit to the Seemans' house and back to my parents for some more time on their back patio. Overall, we had plenty of fun and I felt very loved!
Walker looks absolutely miserable :)
Happiest of Mother's Days to me!
Who gave this kid a hose?! Pop, that's who.
Grayson brought these Mother's Day gifts home from his week at school:
Some of my newest, favoritest foot and hand art! That butterfly is so pretty!
This butterfly is pretty too! In this one year of school, I'm already running out of storage for it all!
What a week! We had a great time "vacationing" with our kiddos and our dear friends, the Smedbergs. The last time we were there was for Nikki and Brad's beautiful wedding!
We all agree that we learned so much from this trip so we should be pros next year! I put vacation in quotes because WOW is a trip with 3 kids under 3 a lot of work! So worth it and a joy to make all of those memories but there is definitely more work than relaxation involved. Here is our awesome week in pictures!
Lots of beach time:
The first day was pretty windy but it didn't stop us!
I was able to wear Walker a lot while he slept. It would have been a challenge keeping him occupied, yet shaded, had he been any older.
Nikki brought this awesome Baby Bjorn chair, which was perfect for Walker. He could sleep in it, bounce and it was easy to fold and carry back and forth.
Weston learned a lot from Grayson! Not all of it was good ;)
Hmmm, our intentions of a cute kid photo turned out more of a pre-crime scene photo. A shovel should never be a photo prop, Grayson!
Right before he took a long nap by the beach :)
Dining al fresco!
The pool was a nice option when the beach was too much work! ;) Usually in the afternoons after nap.
And lots of play time (and eating at the food trucks) in Seaside. I will always have wonderful memories of this! I will never forget the Brie and bacon grilled cheese sandwich on cranberry walnut bread at The Meltdown food truck. Highly recommend!
Beau/Grayson playing frisbee and Brad/Weston playing soccer
Weston (14mos) loved playing in the park!
Seaside: Where you can change a diaper in public and no one cares! Love how family friendly this place is! (Pay no mind to my chicken legs)
We needed a break from the beach and pool towards the end of the week so we headed to Alys Beach and Rosemary Beach - beautiful little town! We had a great lunch at the Texas-inspired Cowgirl Kitchen, did some shopping and played in the park.
"Again Daddy!" - Grayson every single time!
Beau was exhausted and sweaty after a hundred of these ;)
The Smedbergs: Nikki (prego with Chloe), Weston and Brad
Walker (3 mos) an Grayson (almost 3 years)
I love all of the family photos we took during this week! Great memories, for sure.
The exact same spot where Nikki and the bridesmaids took a picture at sunset at her Rehearsal Dinner :)
Beau snapped some photos on the cuuute wrap around porch on our last night there. I love them all :)
Matching brother PJs!
He was so sweet the humor me :)
He's really growing up
We absolutely loved the house we rented! Muriel's Grove was super clean, cute, had a lot of baby gear and beach toys and was surprisingly roomier than I expected. I loved the wrap-around porch and all of the windows!
Muriel's Grove
We spent the mornings with coffee and cartoons in the comfy living room
I snapped this photo when I woke up one morning. I loved waking up to these windows (and 2 sets of french doors)! Never mind Beau's McGeyvered lamp for night time feedings ;)
Napping with this little guy was my happy place (A close second was a rum drink on the beach with everyone)
Beau and I celebrated our 4th anniversary (oh my goodness) a month ago! I can't believe it's already been that long. The night before, I surprised him with some red wine and mini bundt cakes when he arrived home from a softball game. The kids were asleep, the TV was off and our fun new lighting options in the kitchen provided some mood lighting - what a treat! We just sat there over dessert and talked. I never thought quiet, uninterrupted conversation would be such a great gift! The next day, Beau walked over to where I was sitting and showed me a blank notepad that we keep in the office. He quietly flipped through it. He made a flip book of our past 6 years together! It was so special! I made a video of it to have always. Just know that he flipped through it way better than I do here. It's hard to hold a camera AND work a flip book at the same time! :)
Our Church celebrates birthdays and anniversaries every Sunday. Coincidentally, the Bishop was there for the Groundbreaking of the new building so we were able to go up front and have our marriage blessed by him. It was very cool!
Happy Anniversary, Beau! You're the rummy drink to my beach vacation, the roman shades to my kitchen reno, the whoopie cushion present to my potty training, the awesome insurance to my c-section, the juuuuuuice to my morning breakfast. You're the icing on the cake of every experience of my life and I love you dearly for it!
Weight: 15lbs
Length: Not sure but looong!
Head: Still so tiny. :) Hats aren't fitting!
Size: 3-6 months but onesies are getting tight and the shirts show your belly ;) You really are tall!
Shoes: Size 2; I don't think you'll be a wide fit like your brother. So that means all new boy shoes for the Reynolds! :/
Diaper: Just put you in size 3. 2's were so tight!
You've been up to so much, Walker Beau!
You are just so smiley! The women at church comment on it every week! The ladies in the nursery say they love to snuggle you and that you are so easy!
Kicking and standing and wanting to be held! You love to jump and stand and look out. You hate laying on your back! You're definitely going through that "wanting to be held" stage. I remember Grayson going through this. You'll fit in the jumperoo pretty soon and you will LOVE it! You love kicking and jumping when being held. You smile so big when we hold you up to do this :)
Already ready for this thing! This was taken closer to 2 months.
Sleeping is still awesome. We've moved you in to your crib pretty easily and started swaddling you again. That works for the first 6-8 hour stretch. Then, it's on your stomach for the next 3 hour stretch. I feel better about this with the ceiling fan on and the paci in your mouth. Update: You slept for 10 hours last night! 8pm-6am. I had a crick in my neck when I woke up b/c I slept the whole night. It was so worth it!
Sleeping at Chocolate Angel. Mimi adores you!
And so does Pop!
You hate your car seat, the nap nanny and being put down anywhere in general. At least you go down for naps and bedtime easily. So super easy, in fact. I really, really hope that doesn't change. Ever.
This UTD onesie looked HUGE when we received it from Beau's company. I can't believe it fits already.