Monday, November 7, 2011

What goes up must come down (Update on the post below)

I keep going back to the post below - simply shocked at how teeny tiny those paintings look above the bed!  While they don't seem to be that small in person, I'm troubled by the whole thing. In fact, Beau agrees with me and the fact that he does when he knows it means more manual labor for him, I know this is a BIG DEAL! Here are the options:

1) As I mentioned in the original post, leave them (well, once the middle one comes back down) and throw the Hail Mary pass of big, dramatic lamps to balance things out. OR will that make them look even smaller.... :/

2) Bring the outer frames up allowing for a second row of 3 frames beneath it.

3) Get bigger frames and start over with the paintings. Grayson won't mind.

Advice please.


Elaine said...

I love the paintings! But I think maybe get bigger frames and add some matting - either a coordinating color or a textured neutral. Or have the artist do another set for a second row!

Courtney Schumacher said...

I say matte with a bigger frame! You have QUITE the artist on your hands!

andrea andrea andrea leigh said...

Call me :)

Julie said...

Elaine took the words right out of my mouth. I totally agree with what she said. The paintings are adorable & I bet they make you smile everytime you look at them!

Funny that you are blogging about this as we have been also trying to decide what to do with the huge blank wall above our bed too!

The Pharrs said...

I like the idea of adding 3 more paintings - they are so cute :)