Monday, August 12, 2013

Grayson, Our Little Swimmer!

Grayson has been going to swim lessons for 1 week now and oh man, can we tell a complete and total difference! We chose to take him to Ms. Pat, a local celebrity of sorts. If being an awesome swim instructor who has taught tons of Frisco kids to swim could be a celebrity, that is. I mean, 9 out of 10 people I asked about this subject responded with something like, You HAVE to use Ms. Pat! She even has her own hashtag, y'all. It was important to me that we found someone like her ever since we had a bit of a scare when Grayson fell into a friend's pool and no on saw him for many seconds. Fortunately, by the grace of God, he fell in on his back and remained floating but it was still scary. How fast something like that can happen with 8 adults around and still, no one saw.

So that brings us to last week. The first few days were pretty rough - lots of tears, lots of fear - but he always did exactly what Ms. Pat asked of him. She has a way with kids, through the Love and Logic approach, of establishing her authority, gaining their respect but never raising her voice and using a calm, repetitive tone. By Day 4, she had him on the diving board. I was shocked! I have video of his very first time up there! No tears and he jumped the first time she asked him to! So proud of our boy for working through his fears!

Look at my sweet boy swimming!

Beau went with us Friday and was just so blown away with the quick progress. Grayson was a brave boy for his Daddy and didn't cry or whine once. I hope he keeps that up for me this week. :) We are just so proud of him!
Swimming with his buddy Braxton from play group. These lessons were just the 2 of them and it helped that Braxton had a week prior to this so he could show Grayson how to stay calm.

Leaning on his noodle ;)

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