Thursday, December 11, 2008

Employee of the Month!

There are several things to say about this momentous occasion. First, it may not seem like a big deal - I never really thought it was until today's staff meeting when my Manager stood up in front of the entire company and gave a great, appreciative introduction to acknowledge me!! It really is a great honor and I'm so thankful to have received the award (and the check that came along with it)!

Something else that should be said about receiving this award today is how BADLY the day started off! It's comical (now) how painful my day began - with morning client meetings where I wasn't 100% on my game, how much I beat myself up about "failing" in those meetings, how I ranted in the phone to my mother about all this when she called to simply tell me that they landed safely, the un-characteristic complaining I did to a co-worker AT WORK (how unprofessional) and convinced the day, no, my life would never improve (not dramatic, nooooo). The difference between the morning and my afternoon (completely turning around with such a sweet gesture from my Company), is now pretty funny in hind sight. It may not seem like much to them, but it really does mean a lot to the person being recognized :-)

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