Thursday, December 4, 2008

My very first Christmas Tree...

of my very own is actually shared with my F.H. (future husband)! Beau and I went shopping for our tree the day we returned home from Austin. We found the PERFECT (artificial) tree that we will have for our first many, many years together! We debated artificial vs. real, but in the end, this was the best option for us and I couldn't be happier.

My Mom brought my ornaments to Austin for Thanksgiving and I couldn't wait to put them up, one of my favorites times during Christmas :-) The ornaments have been given to me over the years by my Mom and my aunts, uncles and cousins and are so special to me!

It has taken everything I have from splurging and buying a house full of decorations but I understand that it happens over time, especially during the after-Christmas sales! :-) Beau took this picture at the beginning of my ornament hanging. Had I known there would be a photo shoot, I may have put on some nicer clothes (and hidden that giant tendon in my neck!)....

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