Monday, October 12, 2009

My Favorite [Foody] Things

Here are some of my favorite (and easy) grocery store foods that I just can't seem to get enough of lately. Healthy? No. Goooooood? Yes.

I have a slight obsession with anything cinnamon & these are more like something you buy from a bakery, less instant laziness. Perfection!

Beau and I have had a lot of fun finding new things to put in Pillsbury dough!! I LOVE this stuff and could eat it every day. You can really get creative with the insides - but you probably already know that. We mostly fix chicken packets and pepperoni rolls. The latter was served at our housewarming party :-). Perfect with warm marinara sauce. Mmmm....

Another lazy piece of heaven - the CPK pizzas. All toppings, both thin and regular crust. Great for when we just don't feel like cooking, which is about 6 nights out of the week :-)

These little suckers are wonderful AND guiltless. However, not so when you eat the whole box in 1 day. Just sayin'.

Maybe 1 day you will get a snapshot of my favorite restaurant foods - but that list is much more lengthy and requires much more thought!

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