Sunday, September 15, 2013

Walker is 7 months old!

Broken record alert: Time is seriously flying, When did this baby become SEVEN months?, things need to slow down, I can't keep up, blah blah blah!

That's really all I have right now! No measurements but I know that I'm stuffing that cute little body into 6-12 month clothes still when you're really ready to be in 12 month outfits :) 

Walker, you're army crawling all over the place now! You can sit up from a crawling position, which allows you a little more freedom. Poor kid, just wants to GO! 

You can not get enough of your older brother. I say it every month but your eyes follow him wherever he goes, you shake and whine when you want to be where he is but can't get there. You can now scooch over to him and his toys and he's not quite ready to share with you. But he's getting better at least trading you one of your safe toys for his more grown-up toys. :)

Speaking of shaking, you also shake when you see food :) Food is very important! Eating 4 meals a day, still a 6 oz bottle with solids, alternating fruits and veggies each feeding.

Sleeping great still - from 7:30 to about 6:30 every day. You have a fierce witching hour that I don't remember with Grayson. Like clockwork every day, 5:30 - 7pm is hell and I just fight to get through it, most of the time just feeding you early and putting you straight down. You're just SO tired but won't nap, which is probably best. I admit though, I'm weak and have tried putting you down for a cat nap at 5:30 ;) Naps are still at 10am and 2pm and you go down flawlessly on your own with a pacifier.

I packed away my little monthly stickers :( but here are some photos from the past couple of weeks. 

Hanging with Roxy, the Seemans' Labradoodle
Barely fit but I managed to squeeze it on him for a few photos!
Helping Mommy pack up the nursery

The hats are getting stranger around here.
Fear the 'stache
Sitting up on his own

Walker with his lady friend (and future neighbor), Patton (10 months)
We love your gentle spirit and sweet, easy ways Walker! The differences in our two boys are already taking shape and we love getting to be a part of it all!

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