Thursday, November 18, 2010

My New Digital Digs (or iHaveNoMoney)

I'm super excited to be blogging from my new fancy shmancy MacBook Pro. I swore I would never own one after I worked at an agency once that was all Mac, all the time and the learning curve was doubly frustrating for me (new job AND a new operating system - ugh). However, time heals all wounds (dramatic, I know) and I jumped on this snooty Apple bandwagon yesterday! Never mind the Mac desktop I married into and have been reluctant to use for the past 3 years.

To tell you the truth, I didn't even feel like I belonged in the Apple store. Like the little 22 year old girl helping us was above me - all while she upsold us on a gazillion other things (iTV - WTH?!) and checked us out in the middle of the store on her little iPhone. Wayne's World's "We're not worthy" comes to mind here!

Maybe I'll impress you with some snazzy photo editing once I figure out what the iHell I'm doing on this thing! 

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