Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Beau is 30....Finally!

Beau turns 30 today...(14 long months after I did)...and I'm really missing him today! For a while now, as my friends learned of his approaching 30th birthday, they would all say, "He isn't 30 yet?!" Not because he looks 30 (total baby face) but because we have all been 30 for quite some time! So, welcome to the club Beau Reynolds! You have already accomplished so much in your 30 years and I can't wait to see all that you will do in your next 30! But stay fit because you will be taking care of me in the 30 years after that! ;-) 

I won a birthday cake for Beau! It's from Bedtime Bakers here in Frisco. Didn't they do an exceptional job?!
The front was a very real looking wood plaque :)
Duck decoy!
Brinkley Dog!
Beau and his pretty blue eyes
Grayson gave Beau a beautifully-written list titled "30 Reasons I'm Proud to call you Dadada". And when we were in Austin, I picked up a great dry fit polo from the Austin Country Club (he likes the dry fit, especially when he's play golf in 100+ temps). This was supposed to be his gift but I had him try it on early so that Andrea could exchange it for me if it didn't fit.

My parents and I also went in on a Nook (electronic reading device) and Nook cover for Beau. He was very pleasantly surprised since he's an avid reader...on his PHONE. Can you imagine what that was doing to his eyes? Oh, and I have successfully given my husband a gift that allows him to NEVER talk to me again. Boo - I didn't even think of that! Oh well, he's happy. :D


The Pharrs said...

Wish we could have been there to help Beau celebrate. Looks like he had a good birthday and the cake is awesome! :)

Unknown said...

We wish you could have been here too! Missing us some Pharrs!!