Friday, October 21, 2011

Texas State Fair 2011

My parents and I plan to make this a family tradition now that Grayson is here b/c the State Fair is just so much fun! We really wished Beau was able to make it like last year - I blogged about that here - but he just couldn't swing it with work. As always, the food was wonderful, the weather was PERFECT, the auto show made me want, want, want and Grayson had a blast! I didn't think to get pictures of all the great food but you better believe I have Grayson photos ;) I'll say it again: what a difference a year makes!
Grayson walking with his Pop - ball cap, plaid shirt, khakis
and running shoes - hard to believe they didn't get dressed together!
Loves pointing at (and chasing) birds
Playing with Mimi
Couldn't resist comparing our drawings - we
just happened to get the same artist both years!
I can't think of a better way for to Grayson to learn his name.
Thanks for our name puzzle, Mimi!
I wanted to include this video because I just LOVE the way he walks right now. I know Grayson won't always weave and wobble (we call it the drunken sailor walk) so I want to remember it forever!


Thea said...

My parents still have a stool in their kitchen with 'Thea' in those same blocks. I think we got it at the fair in the 80s. Good times.

andrea andrea andrea leigh said...

The only thing missing to make him a "Pop clone" is a cold beer! Either that or Pop needs to get some velcro shoes! hahaha