Wednesday, July 25, 2012

12 Week Sono

You only thought I couldn't possibly write anymore about this week of pregnancy! Ha! Just a quick update on the post below. I had my appointment this morning and everything went so pleasantly well that I'm on cloud nine. The chord was perfectly placed between the legs hiding any possible details about gender but so goes life. Kind of a relief since I have friends who had the gender guessed wrong at their 12 week appt :/ I don't want that kind of change in news in my life! :) We DID see a strong heartbeat, a profile, 4 limbs and a good result in the Downs nuchal test. I couldn't ask for more. 

Here are some pictures....1)yes, I had digital files with Grayson; 2) I'm too lazy to scan these hard copies with this one. Deal.

Call me crazy but that leg seems long.


By far the cutest shot - the bottoms of the feet! Lovies.
We go back in 4 weeks to do the early gender prediction test - some 3D sono or something. I totally took the bait.

I thought about doing a Terrible 2's update but I'm tired and at the end of my rope. So much so that my mom took Grayson for the night and ALL DAY tomorrow! I know we're not supposed to worship false idols but she's my savior. I have big plans to do crazy things like shower and blow dry my hair, put on make-up and grocery shop in peace. Get a pedicure and watch movies with curse words, explosions and heavy petting. Maybe walk into places where strollers don't fit (Heya, Williams Sonoma & Bed, Bath and Beyond! You cluttered little rascals.) or with a lot of breakables at knee level. 

Who am I kidding, I'll be proud if I get showered and make-uped! 
Do not be fooled. He's plotting to take this house down.
I love this Terrible 2 Year Old to pieces!

1 comment:

Alison said...

I'm going on record to say I think it's a girl. For what reason, I don't know! And... the two's are everything everyone said they were when I assumed they were exaggerating.