Friday, July 6, 2012

4th of July, Beau's Job News and More!

We have had a lot going on and I don't really know where to start. Beau was in Ireland for 4ish days but not before he resigned from his job to accept a new job offer! See?! Where to begin....

[this is where Beau needs to guest blog] He loved his first time in Ireland. Even though he was there for business, they managed to work in tours of the Guiness brewery and Jameson distillery, which he loved. He traveled with the Managing Partner (of his current company) to sell in a piece of business and they both think it went really well and expect to land the deal. This is big because if it happens, they'll give Beau his end of year bonus even though he's leaving mid-year. The company they visited offices in a castle, which I thought was so cool! No pictures really because it's kind of awkward to be a tourist on a business trip with a VP. I get it.

Now to the job change. Overall, the guys at his current company are really happy for Beau and are even planning on contracting him back when he moves over to the new firm. That says a lot about Beau and his work and they have continued to shower him with praise both before and after the 2 week notice convo. He starts July 18th on the Best Buy account in Minneapolis. The skinny on this job is that it's the same Mon-Thurs travel, same type of work but the opportunity to go back to work for his mentors who have broken off and started their own company (a year ago actually) and brought over the "old gang" as they call each other. He has the chance to expand his knowledge base and experience all while working with some of his favorite people. And because they are able to keep virtually no overheard (there is no office, no electric bills, or printers, etc), they can afford to pay their people more than anything we could have ever dreamed of at this age. Beau has blown me away in his work life and I am just so proud of him. He is so happy too - I love seeing him this way!

While Beau was gone and even since he's been back, Grayson and I have been busying ourselves with lots of pool and splash park fun. It's just SO hot. This is really the only option for outdoor play. Beau leaving last Saturday was really hard. The weekly travel is quite routine and expected but this trip was tough for me for some reason. Thus, my mom forced me out of the house and to the FAC for some pool fun with Grayson!
I love when he answers a question, "Idon'tknoooooooow!"
Grayson loved his pool time with Mimi and I loved not having to get in :)
So random but Dimples has the best cake pops! And they're 3 for $5 so I'm in love.
We spent the past couple of nights with the Dallas Caldwells celebrating the 4th of July at their house Wednesday and then at Remington's Seafood Grill Thursday night for Maw's 85th birthday!

Maw with our cousin Scott who is wearing Paw's Clover Team t-shirt from years and years ago. I love that he still wears it! Maw said Paw would be 92 if he was still with us.
Dinner with a 2 year old can be so nerve-racking. They can be a dream as Grayson proved at Josephine's with my parents Monday night OR they can get really squirmy as he proved last night at Maw's birthday! Thank God there was a fish tank and a patient man named Beau. Oh, and lollipops.
5 minutes into dinner and he was over it ;)
But quickly turned into a total ham, really playing up Uncle Jimmy :)
...who later wore G's hat. Actually, everyone at the table tried it on! Wish I had pictures - Grayson got a kick out of that!
So back to the 4th! We had some pool time before dinner, which was wonderful because Grayson can say poooooooool about 10,000 times before we ever actually make it to one. And he says it that way each time, pooooooooool. :) We had a wonderful time withe everyone!
We have a jumper! Over and over and over again!
Practicing the kicking he learned in swim lessons. 
I really love the way he wipes the water off his face. I need to get video of it :)
Wanna know what's less fun than getting into your bathing suit in front of your whole family? Nothing! :)

My baby's 4th of July outfit. 2 minutes before it was dirty - duuuh.
This is how we leave pools these days! :) 3 hour nap followed. Now I know why my parents always took my sisters and I to the pool during the summer ;)

Finally, you may ask why we don't get many pictures of our family and friends. Could it be because they run when they see this?!
Who would want their picture taken with this thing?! It's paparazzi-style scary.  That's my excuse for no grown up pics :)

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