Friday, January 14, 2011

Beau Knows....Me?!

Beau knows me so well. Like really well. Just when I think he doesn't at all, he totally surprises me. I've mentioned tons before that I follow this blog.....well, they just bought a new fixer-upper home and I LOVE the color they painted their master bedroom/bathroom. I like it. A. LOT (in my best Jim Carey/Dumb and Dumber voice) I casually showed Beau the before and after pictures:

Me: "Beau, you know that blog I follow, the one with the Do-It-Yourself couple...look at what they did with their walls...."
Beau: "It's beautiful. We're not re-painting our bathroom."
Me: "Huh? But I didn't say anything about the bathroom..." [but I was thinking it]
Beau: "We're not painting the bedroom either."

Here is the post in case you are curious and if I find out that anyone does this, I'm never talking to you again... ;-)

But seriously, isn't this blue sort of my color?! If Stacey were a color she would be this shade of blue with white crown molding! ;-)

1 comment:

Miss Nikki said...

Once we put in an offer on the house Brad went out of town for 2 days and called out of the blue while I was on my 6th straight hour of deciding where to put everything, what else we would need to buy and how to decorate to tell me "I know its not in your DNA to do this but try to wait until the offer is accepted before wasting too much time decorating the whole place" um busted.