Monday, November 9, 2009

Is this really happening? (or First Sonogram)

I went to my first doctor's appointment this morning and I am pleased to report that Baby Reynolds has a strong heart beat of 143 and everything looks great! Dr. Jacoby was wonderful about everything - even caffeine and sushi and he says that he gives an epidural at 1 cm., all of which makes him the new man in my life! Just kidding. But he did say that one cup of coffee every once in a while and smoked salmon and tempura sushi rolls (not raw) are fine. They also gave me a fun little gift bag of pregnancy stuff. I was very disappointed not to have found a crib in there.

So, I guess this is really happening! I will feel much better after my 12th week when risks go down but until then, I will be preparing (and planning decorations) for this exciting time in our lives!

Here is the sonogram. Isn't he cute?! Just kidding. But Beau and I think it's a boy. Despite the fact that it doesn't have private parts yet. He/She is looking to the left, sitting upright with a little nub arm sticking out. The Monday after Thanksgiving I get to hear the heartbeat. Oh, and the due date is officially June 26, 2010. But who really delivers on their due date?! My Mom said I was 4 days late, which if this baby isn't headin' out the morning of the 26th, we're going to have words. More later! :)

1 comment:

Earlene said...

I'm speechless with joy!