Sunday, January 10, 2010

Beau makes a point

Well, he attempted to make a point. Equipped with these ear thingeys that are meant for the gun range. omg, no you didn't!

Really?! I have the TV volume too loud while you are trying to read?! Mr. Deaf-as-they-come-surround-sound-must-be-full-blast-during-any-shoot-'em-up-movie needs the TV volume down?! Ha! (For reference, the receiver never really needs to be over 36, I had it at 29, he never has it below 45).

I can't tell you how loud he has the volume at all times (even when he's not watching) and how frequently I have to ask him to turn the volume down! So this picture is just too much and Mr. Reynolds, I will turn down the volume as soon as you turn the volume down!!

He was too cute trying to make his point ;-)


Earlene said...

Ear "thingeys"? What kind of hunter's/gunman/NRA member's wife are you? :-)

Beau Reynolds said...

I had those on for one specific reason. Not to listen to Jersey Shore. haha

Unknown said...

Well, what are they called?!