Sunday, January 24, 2010

Random Thoughts


Why do I still eat there? Every time, I feel like I'm going to have food poisoning. I'm not the only one either. Just about every co-worker I have (that I go to eat Chik-fil-a with) feels the same way afterward. And yet we STILL eat there?! Crack, I tell you.

"Gas guzzler"

This may fall under a broader subject - maybe something like "Unsolicited opinions about my life" - but when people hear about my new (new to me) car, their first comment is "Ooooh, a gas guzzler, huh?" ...What?! That's like calling my kid ugly or my cooking bad. I love my new car (it's a Yukon - total Mommobile and I couldn't be happier!) and why is that the first reaction or opinion expressed?! How about, congrats! Or, how exciting! Or, what happened to the Camry? Or, nothing. I'm just at a loss as to how to respond to this comment. Maybe something like:

"It's paid off. Is yours?"
"My gas bill is nothing to that car payment that wasn't in your budget in the first place."

Why am I so defensive? There are a bazillion tahoes/yukons out there - why are they hatin' on my car?! And it's Texas - Land of the SUVs! And like theirs are perfect! I'll stop, promise...but if you have a witty response, send it my way ;-)

Stroller Decisions
I mean this with every amount of seriousness in my being -> there are few things more complicated and stressful (in my opinion) than stroller/car seat shopping. It almost makes me angry that there are so many options, none of which are comparing apples to apples. I just don't get why there need to be 20 brands, each with 5+ options each. It's daunting. That said, we have loosely researched the top, most well-known brands, subscribed to Consumer Reports just for this and think we have made a decision. Who knows if we will stick to it but as of now we are abandoning our original decision to go with the Chicco travel system and go with one that can add a second seat from the get go. Now THAT is planning! :) We do plan to have a second and probably pretty close to the first so maybe we just get in front of this whole thing and avoid having to buy additional strollers. However, if this plan doesn't pan out, the stroller still looks/works just fine as a single seat. A win/win IMO. So, here we go - this one has 16 different possible positions (not that we will learn/use all of them) and is made of titanium, I think (which Beau likes better than the plastic) and it's lightweight. That's all I know. It's between this one and the Uppababy. The only problem is that I was loving the cost of the travel system but Beau assures me that it will all be a wash if we don't have to buy a 2-seater later on down the road. Thoughts? Any opinions are welcome - I promise I'm not sensitive with this like I am with my vehicle! :-) 

Free Pizza for a Year
Here's a cute story for you :-) Beau and I decided to get out of the house one beautiful Saturday to get Starbucks (with the dogs, of course) and take a drive around our new suburb since we really don't know it very well. We stumbled across some farmland with an unpaved, VERY muddy (I can't express how deep this mud was) road that takes you to the north side of Frisco. Beau's eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas - so excited at the possibility of using his 4 wheel drive! Now you may be asking why so excited?Or, Is his truck new? No. Well, is this the first time he has had 4wd? No, he's had it most of his life. It's just an innate thing that I think (most) men have with playing in mud and getting dirty. So, I said go for it. I'm along for the ride (and then quickly gave him the, "I'm pregnant so don't get us stuck/I'm not walking." speech. We came across a VERY stuck Hyundai and when Beau asked the couple if we could help (again, eyes lit up with the possibility of using his tow chain), they said no thanks. That a tow truck was on it's way. As we left and made our way to the paved road again, the tow truck was pulling up. The driver said, "I'm not going out there! I'll get stuck!" Beau figured that so we went back to help the couple. And after we garnered an audience on foot (some high school boys), Beau pulled the SUV out and to the paved road. Growing up in South Texas & by the beach and with friends that loved trucks and mud, I've seen my share of pulling people out of sticky situations. I must admit, with the depth that they were stuck and the fact that they were slanted off the road, I questioned whether it was possible. And I was REALLY scared the truck would be damaged in the process. Long story short - the woman was a Manager at Papa John's and so appreciative that she gave us tons of free coupons for large pizzas (no other purchase necessary AND they will deliver it!). The best part is that the past 3 times we have ordered, they haven't asked for the coupon. We could have free pizza for life! ;-)

Finger Pointing
I continue to point at things (i.e. a ball or bone) when Shelby and Brinkley look at me. Sort of a, "Go get your ball!" or "It's right over there!". All they do is stare at my finger. You think I would learn that they are not capable of following the path of the finger point. Hope kids grasp the concept easier than they do....

Jersey Shore-theme Party
I can't get enough of this trashy show! I want to have a theme party! My friends joke that they are throwing me a Jersey Shore Baby Shower. I might draw the line there! Do you watch this non-sense?! My friends and I are all hooked!

1 comment:

Earlene said...

But wait . . . where's the baby update??