Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sick Days

Grayson has been a little under the weather the past few days and now so am I. I feel like poop. I feel like Grayson has looked the past 48 hours, which makes my heart hurt that he has been going through this. If my throat hurts or I need some water or need to blow my nose, I can do something about it. This poor little guy is 100% reliant on us for relief and we just can't really do much for him. We went to the doctor yesterday and it's just your typical cold: lots of snot, very hoarse voice (break my heart!), lots of sneezing, low grade fever, blah, blah, blah. The good news is that he is on the upswing! But I feel miserable, which stinks because we had a play date today and the weather is so pretty this week! :(

As my Mom says, Grayson is such a sweet boy even when he is sick! He still smiles and gives hugs even when he feels terrible. I just love this little boy so much :) Here are some pictures from yesterday - sweet, sweet boy!
Drool, Snot AND a Smile? Nothing cuter.

It's exhausting being sick :(

Love this baby's face in this picture!

Okay, this one too ;-)

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