Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Kidokinetics...and some other things.

I really feel like every day lately could be it's own blog entry. From Friday's MRI catastrophe (not to be dramatic, but the word 'malpractice' has been used after I've described the experience to people) to Grayson locking himself in the car yesterday morning and the fire department spending 30 minutes to get him out, EVERY day could be a blog post. 

And while you would probably rather hear more about those two days, I want to talk about today - Kidokinetics! I know, you're thrilled. ;)

Today was our first day at this fun sports fitness program for kids. My parents gifted this class to Grayson for his birthday (a bit early) so my mom joined us today. The bonus is the long nap afterward! :)

Patiently waiting for Coach Claudia to arrive. 
Grayson with Coach Claudia.
Today we learned about soccer. So of course he was shooting hoops.

He looks so little. :)
He's actually pretty good at kicking. You'd never guess it from these photos.
The parachute was a big hit.
Somehow my mom ended up with a baby on her hip.
Mimi helping Grayson with his balance.
Which he's really good at.
So of course he grew bored and used the cone as a microphone.
And later enjoyed stacking them.
After the class, Grayson took dessert to the fire station as a thank you. We cut out his handprint on decorative paper to tape on the container and wrote: "High 5 for saving me from my mom's locked car yesterday! Thank you so much! ~Grayson, 22 months~"

The back story on the fire dept ordeal: Yesterday morning, we were loading up to go to school when Grayson pushed the lock button. Both sets of keys and my phone were in the car with him. Our police detective neighbor just happens to be off on Mondays (Thank God!) so he called dispatch, a fire truck was there in a matter of minutes and about 15 long minutes later, three firefighters had the door unlocked. We were seriously less than a minute away from abandoning the efforts that weren't working and they were going to break a window. Grayson did really well through most of it but really started to panic towards the end. I don't blame him! Had the weather been any bit warmer or had it been later in the day, they would have gone immediately to breaking the window. The guys were truly professional, SO good with both Grayson and me and OHMYGOD can you believe I'm talking about the Frisco fire department AGAIN on this blog?! Good grief. But they're really amazing people. As I also point out here and here.

So fast forward to taking dessert to them today. The firefighter that we spoke to was very appreciative. I hope to raise Grayson to appreciate the people who serve our community and to know them as heros that we respect; never to take them for granted. This is one of the many things I hope to instill in him to help him become a good person. There are just SO many of those lessons that I need to remember! :)

Oh, and so that I don't leave you hanging on the MRI. It was ordered b/c I had a CT scan last week on my stomach (ulcer related) that came back clear but had an incidental finding: an enlargement on my liver. The MRI came back clear also and I'm healthy (yay!) but now I suspect that I was just upsold on extra tests (boo). Just happy to be healthy though. I have single-handedly met our sky-high family deductible. In APRIL, people.

How's that for a smorgasbord of subjects?!

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