Saturday, June 5, 2010

Silly Confessions

I have confessions. I'm only telling because I think they are funny ridiculous. First, I look at 3 different calendars every day during my countdown to Grayson's arrival. And I don't just look. I stare at them. As though days will be shed by going from one calendar to the other. Or, if I look hard enough, I will figure a different solution to get there faster - like a complicated math problem... I think I'm nuts! I'm just so excited (and tired and hot and uncomfortable) and I can't wait to meet him. Not to mention, I'm slightly stressed about my high risk situation (i.e. that darn cord around his neck) - I just hope he's okay. :-)

Are you ready for my second confession? When I wake up each morning and make my way to the mirror, I lift up my shirt over my belly to investigate stretch marks. And I'm very fortunate that I don't see any visible ones just yet (not to say they won't rear their ugly head when my skin goes down). But EVERY morning I have a mini-freak out when I see what I think is them only to realize they are sheet marks. You think I would learn?! Day after day I have this huge sinking feeling first thing in the morning seeing the SAME thing! And only on one side of my tummy (I sleep primarily on one side). As though these deep indentioned stretch marks developed over night and only on one side! My head needs to get right and I need to chill!

Happy Weekend! 37 week update to come later....

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