Sunday, June 20, 2010

We are home!

Our trip home was pretty uneventful, which is good! Beau and I were admittedly a little scared to get on the road with all those CRAZY drivers out there. You know, the exact same drivers that were out there before we had a baby but seem 100x worse and more of a threat now that we have this tiny little cargo with us. I'm becoming the exact person I never thought I'd be! :-)

The drive home consisted of 2 drive thrus - Walgreen's and Whataburger - all while I barked orders at Beau from the back seat. Again, I'm THAT person choosing to sit in the back with the baby instead of in the passenger seat next to my husband where normal, non-stressed new moms sit. Sheesh. I'm like 0 for 5 in the calm, cool and collected department.

I will miss our AMAZING hospital, the wonderful staff and the GREAT food (seriously, my mother and I have discussed dining there next week - ha!) but we are happy to be home. Grayson is warming up to the place quite nicely and Shelby is so sweet and gentle with him although I don't think she quite understands WHAT he is yet!

I will never forget my days in the hospital and what a special experience it was. I will also NEVER forget looking down in my hospital bed at THIS face...please don't grow up.....

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