Monday, June 7, 2010

Thoughts for the day

I have a million thoughts running through my head these days!

First. Why, if I've been carrying around 20 - 35 lbs. of extra weight every day for months, are my legs and butt not rock hard?? If anyone worked out carrying the kind of weight that a prego girl does for as long as she does, that person would be ripped. Sooo, where are my tight buns?? It's just not right.

Second. Beau informed his company and project manager that we are scheduling a c-section and he told them that he won't be traveling to Arkansas that week. Their response? "Well do you think you can still log 40 hours that week?" Whaaaaat?! Check your lack of consideration at the door! People are funny (and thoughtless).

Third. I met with my HR ladies today to finalize my maternity leave and short term disability (STD - hehe - gets me every time)...they asked me, since my last day at RAZOR is this Wednesday, what I will be doing during the business days leading up to the delivery (i.e. why I'm taking extra time off beforehand)...what will I be doing?? Ummm, NOT working 60 hours a week. NOT stressing about that place so much that I don't have time to think about myself or getting ready for our new arrival. That's what I won't be doing. But thanks for asking! :-)

Fourth. I have made incredible progress on my 2-page To Do List! I'm really quite proud of myself! I can be so organized and on top of things when I want to be. Very surprising. But I have 6 things left on the list before the baby comes. All manageable. And I add items daily so rest assured Human Resources, I have plenty to do while I'm NOT at the office! hehe :)

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