Wednesday, February 15, 2012

1st V-Day at Preschool (or I'm such an amateur)

Grayson's Valentine's Day party at his school was today and he had a lot of fun! Not that I really know since the parents weren't invited but I hear he had a ball! :) I'm the most out-of-the-loop parent at that school since Grayson started in the middle of the year and I haven't passed out Valentines since like 1989 or something. Do they still do those little cards and envelopes? Stickers? Candy?! GIFTS?! But we live in a Pinterest world where moms try to win the creative award for cutest, most-time consuming everything! 

So I decided I should copy this idea but use my Mom's scrap booking scissors for scalloped edges and a single-hole punch to tie the label to the bag with curly red ribbon! How cute, right?!
Damn you, Pinterest.

But come on now. I may stay home but I have a LIFE. So this is what I did:

Damn you, reality. Dum Dum Valentines courtesy of a 4 minute, $4 trip to Target. 
I then slightly panicked about what they should arrive IN. Since it would be whatever the other kids drop their valentines in....was I supposed to MAKE him some wrapping paper-wrapped shoe box with a slit in the top (remember those?!). A collaged paper bag?! Since I wasn't about to do that either, I grabbed his lunch box (above) b/c at least it has his name on it. 

That's okay though b/c they already made him a Valentine bag at school (whew!)!
I'll be better next year - promise! I love this age where they still don't have a clue :)

I gave him one of the treats from his V-day bag for the ride home.
Ahh, a quiet car ride thanks to some fruit snacks.
I hope the teachers share the pictures they took of the kids all together (you know, since I wasn't invited to the par-tay). I did manage to snap some pictures before we left the house.

My big boy.
This should go in my ear.

In other V-day news, while we were all at home last week, we prepared for the big day with hand-made painted cards and "Mail-A-Hug"s for G's grandparents and great-grandparents who live out of town. Another Pinterest idea that was relatively easy and with 192 logged hours of the 3 of us indoors, we had plenty of time to knock them out.
Can you tell I traced one hand and Beau did the other? Ha!
They look like 2 different kids' prints! 
Grayson went to town with the paint. And by "town", I mean the table, the bench,
his hands, me and Beau ;)
Lastly, since Beau is back on the road this week, G and I spent a quiet Valentine's Day evening together sitting on the kitchen island with Domino's pizza and stickers. I caught this one as he reached over for more pizza...he had no idea it was on the bottom of his foot. I sent it to Beau... <3 
Be my Valentine, Daddy!

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