Friday, February 10, 2012

Smocked Sample Sale!

My Mom and I headed out bright and early this morning to shop the Smocked Auctions sample sale! Smocked Auctions is a brilliant concept: two online sales a week T/Th 8:30pm CST where they sell deeply discounted smocked children's clothing on their Facebook page. But you have to be a fast typer b/c there are very limited quantities, 60k fans and it's first come/first serve. And those cost-conscious mamas are crazy! Today's sale is only one of a few sales they have had where you can actually shop in person. So of course I had to be there. And my sweet mom is really up for anything so she happily joined me and got right in there with all those crazy ladies! 

I knew it would be safe (for my wallet) to attend since the boy items aren't nearly as cute as the girl items nor do they have that many options for the older boys. However, I was looking for some cute short sets and swim trunks and I'm very happy with my finds!

Beau was so sweet to watch Grayson while I went. Anything to not actually have to GO with me. :) 

Grayson really took an interest in my buys.
But I think he just wanted to pull things out of the bag.
He rolled around in it all for a while, which is
just what I wanted to do too!
This is the only shot I have of the 1 shorts set we got
for 4th of July. You can see the white T with flags to the left.
More to come after the actually holiday. Oh, and darling
PJs to the right. He looks like a little old man in that 2-piece style. :)
Quite possibly my favorite find - smocked swim trunks! And for
a fraction of what they cost on other online smocked sites.

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