Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Blog Series: Mommy's Juice

I'm already regretting that title. It implies that I'm actually reliable enough to keep up with a "series" and even more so, be the AUTHOR of one. I giggle just thinking about it ;)

Background: It all started when my friend Nikki gave me a "Mommy's Juice" wine glass at my baby shower. We both can appreciate a nice glass (well, or a bad one for that matter) of wine and she knew that this would come in handy. I text her from time to time on a Friday night with a simple picture of this wine glass and a pending disaster in the background. It's funny. Little did Nikki know that she would be indirectly creating a blog SERIES. There's that pesky word again....

But seriously, the situations in my life grow more comical as this child grows up, the dogs get wiser and Beau and I try to figure it all out. So, here it is in pictures.... 

For the record, these 5 pictures were taken over months, not in the same week. :)

Tupperware? more like Everywhere.
Crawling OUT of a box.
Watering the dogs, I mean grass.
Please don't do tha...ugh, I don't care.
I have to wash them ALL. Again. Who likes my new shoes?!
More to come. Maybe ;)