Saturday, September 10, 2011

Labor Day 2011

Beau and I returned from Detroit late Sunday night and my parents were sweet enough to keep him through Monday morning so that we could all get the rest we needed. Monday was a beautiful weather day and the first break from the heat that we've had all summer (even Detroit was stifling). We picked up Grayson from my parents and spent the day just the three of us. We went to the park, stopped by Sonic for Happy Hour and then Beau made an amazing stuffed pork loin while Grayson played in the backyard. It couldn't have been a better day!

He loves the swing
This is why photographers only shoot in early morning
and late afternoon light. So harsh!
Don't ever get the large just for you. Oops.
Fascinated by brooms and mops lately.
Strange kid!
Holding a broom. Again.
Sweetest sight! Pop taking Grayson for a walk
in the early morning before the golfers show up.
RIGHT before his face-plant fall. Break my heart!
Scuffed up little face. But AWESOME track suit :)

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