Thursday, December 17, 2009

Boots with the furrrrr

Beau gave me these for Christmas (he doesn't know it yet) and I just love them with both leggings and jeans. I could wear them every day! [side note: leggings are the new black for me, I am late to the game and just discovered them ...... sooo glad they are in style in time for my pregnancy]...

But are they too similar to these - which I'm hands-down-in-love with AND that also happen to be 50% off??

I didn't think I could fall more deeply in love with boots but I have! I love them all. Tall, short, heels, flat, aaagghhhh! It's overwhelming, especially because Beau tells me that we need baby furniture more than boots. He's so silly. Anyway, I'm not going to get them but a girl can dream...and she does.


Elaine said...

You left out the most important information: Where can I get them?? And don't sale items fall into the category of "I don't need to ask my husband, these are a STEAL"???

Unknown said...

Oh sorry! Nine West, my old faithful. Great prices right now! And I like the way you think ;-)