Monday, December 28, 2009

Sweet or Scary?

I think I know your answer but let me explain! Ok first, I am 99% sure of how we will decorate the nursery and I assure you it is nothing less than tasteful! We are going with a simple, non-nursery feel so I thought perhaps the one punch of "nursery" that we could throw in is an oversized stuffed animal. And then I saw this! It's too much, isn't it?! When I first spotted it, it was on a top shelf in a dark storage closet at Beau's office today. They are moving offices and trying to get rid of things so we were there to pick up a laser printer and cartridges (something else we don't need). And how random it that they had this?! Anyway, when I first saw it, it looked like a sweet monkey!! We get it home and it looks like a HUGE gorilla!! He's sitting on a queen sized bed mind you (and has breasts larger than the average woman). Yikes. He was free so we can get rid of him but you know giant stuffed animals are expensive!

I wish I had video of Shelby's reaction to this guy. haha!! Scared out of her mind, which may be symbolic of our child's reaction to it :-(


Earlene said...

I think you should go with it. You've always thought monkeys are cute, maybe you should go with a jungle theme?

Miss Nikki said...

I think you need to just decide if the monkey is going to be a boy a girl and then just invest in a bow or a ball cap for it to cutsey it up a bit ;-)