Sunday, December 6, 2009

It's Christmas Time!

Beau and I had a great day yesterday Christmas shopping and picking out things for our Christmas decor! We had a lot of fun and Beau was just thrilled about the 50% off everything sale at Hobby Lobby. Just kidding, but I loved it! We spent forever in there! I feel like one should be careful in Hobby Lobby - too much time and you are bound to start liking things that are NOT your style. Like ceramic dogs and boot-shaped vases. I started thinking like a 70 year old do-it-yourselfer. Many times I had ideas to "create" but Beau quickly brought me back to reality ;-)

Here is our mantle - really the only completed thing in the house....yes, Shelby and Brinkley get their own stockings this year. These pics were taken with my phone so they are blurry but you get the idea...

The tree finally has a spot in the house after SO much back and forth about how the tree is too big and there is no space for it. Ugh. That's what we get for buying this tree last year before we bought the house. It's 6 feet wide in diameter - good grief, what were we thinking?! Anyway, it's up but we were quickly distracted by hot chocolate and movies that we rented. Ornaments are going on today - promise! Here it is - the only place it would fit - right in the middle of EVERYTHING:

I'll post this one but I feel weird about it! I look goofy and I really just look like I've eaten too much ice cream instead of showing! Merry Christmas!

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