Thursday, July 8, 2010

First Ped Appointment

Grayson had his first pediatrician appointment recently and I'm pleased to say everything looks great! I'm sure glad I planned a super cute outfit for him only for them request that I strip him naked as soon as we walked into the room. Ha! What was I really expecting? Of course she needed to scope him out - duh. I'm prepared for plenty more humbling experiences as we go through this journey for the first time!

Here are the percentages of his check-up - mainly for me since I know these don't mean that much to other people. The pediatrician told us that these #s don't mean much so early on since babies are born at different gestation periods and grow in different ways. Otherwise, it looks like Grayson may just have my lanky build and not Beau's (obviously the more desirable for a boy) - eek!! Only time will tell :-)

Height - 21 inches - 75th percentile
Weight - 7 lbs 10.5 ounces - 28th percentile
Head - 14.25 - 41st percentile

We are loving this boy so much and I'm getting really attached. I always wondered why people were so hesitant to leave their babies in the hands of capable babysitters. Turns out it has nothing to do with the abilities of the babysitter and has everything to do with the bond that forms between mama and baby!!

There is tons more to discuss - all the great company we have had, my sisters' visits and our newborn photo session. But I need to wait on pics of all of this before I blog about it ;-)

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